➥Unique Identification Authority of India
Download E-aadhar Card Online:
Government of India
For More Details please visit the downword (OR) cilick here.
If You have been enrolled with UID and wants to know your aadhar status then it will help you for detailed process to get status. While online checking status you also get notified that your enrollment is lying in verification, under process,Verified,Haveing duplicate enrollment etc. all other information regarding your aadhar status.
For More Details please visit the downword (OR) cilick here.
UID of Inida has lounched the service for citizen having EID or has been enrolled with UID, then can download there Eeadhar online. Its is a valid identity proof and valid in across all state and India.
➥Download E-aadhar by Enrollment No.
➥Download E-aadhar by Adhar number
➥Documents rquired in Adhar Card
➥Documents rquired in Adhar Card Updation
➥Get Aadhar on E-mail id
➥How to Find Lost UIDAI Aadhaar or Enrollment Number?
➥Update Mobile Number in Aadhar Card Online:Update Adhare
➥Update Adhar by Post:Update Adhar
➥Find Lost UIDAI Aadhaar or Enrollment Number?
➥Check Adhaar card Status Using Toll Free and SMS
➥How to Validate Digital Signature in E-aadhar: UID
➥What Is DIGILocker and How Does It Work?
➥How To Use Digital Locker to Store Documents Online?
➥Documents rquired in Adhar Card
➥Download E-aadhar by Adhar number
➥Documents rquired in Adhar Card
➥Documents rquired in Adhar Card Updation
➥Get Aadhar on E-mail id
➥How to Find Lost UIDAI Aadhaar or Enrollment Number?
➥Update Mobile Number in Aadhar Card Online:Update Adhare
➥Update Adhar by Post:Update Adhar
➥Find Lost UIDAI Aadhaar or Enrollment Number?
➥Check Adhaar card Status Using Toll Free and SMS
➥How to Validate Digital Signature in E-aadhar: UID
➥What Is DIGILocker and How Does It Work?
➥How To Use Digital Locker to Store Documents Online?
➥Documents rquired in Adhar Card
Download E-aadhar Card Online:
first visit offcial webpage of UID, and click on get e- aadhar card
Visit direct webaddress of download E-aadhar https://eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/
After the above process, you get dialog box to feed required data related to your aadhar card OR enrollment data as printed /given in enrollment acknowledgment receipt.
As instructed in above picture_
Fill below mwntioned details as printed on Enrollment slip
Fill Enrollment No.
Fill Name
Area Pin Code
Mobile No. on which you wants to receive OTP (OR) registred Mobile no. while enrollment
Fill below mwntioned details as printed on Enrollment slip
Fill Enrollment No.
Fill Name
Area Pin Code
Mobile No. on which you wants to receive OTP (OR) registred Mobile no. while enrollment
After successful receiving and entred OTP a pop-up windows open and your eaadhar card then doanloaded. To open your Eeadhar Card use your Area Pin code as Password while See, Edit, Print Eadhar Card.
➥Check Adhaar card Status Using Toll Free and SMS
➥How to Validate Digital Signature in E-aadhar: UID
➥What Is DIGILocker and How Does It Work?
➥How To Use Digital Locker to Store Documents Online?
➥Documents rquired in Adhar Card
After successful receiving and entred OTP a pop-up windows open and your eaadhar card then doanloaded. To open your Eeadhar Card use your Area Pin code as Password while See, Edit, Print Eadhar Card.
➥Check Adhaar card Status Using Toll Free and SMS
➥How to Validate Digital Signature in E-aadhar: UID
➥What Is DIGILocker and How Does It Work?
➥How To Use Digital Locker to Store Documents Online?
➥Documents rquired in Adhar Card
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